Marriage & Family Therapist

I am a Marriage & Family Therapist specializing in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing). I have worked with children, adolescents, families, couples and individuals helping them to realize their true potential. There has been vast research linking the connection to poor attachment in infancy to behavioral and emotional disturbances that can affect one’s relationships. EMDR helps reprocess those early memories to a more positive experience so that they don’t become triggers of current interactions. This greatly enhances the relationship with others. In addition, EMDR helps processed trauma’s from war, natural disasters and all types of abuse. It has been reported to greatly reduce or eliminate nightmares and flashbacks associated with PTSD. I have been trained in EMDR since 2011 and intertwine it with regular psychotherapy. My work with adolescents since 2007 has helped me to be a non-judgemental and empathetic therapist.

The main specialty of this therapist is: EFT - EMDR

MA Counseling Psychology - USF 2008 BS Foods & Nutrition - SDSU 1987 EMDR Institute 2011
In the office
cash, credit cards, checks, FSA

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617 Veterans Blvd. Suite 204
Redwood City
(650) 683-5555
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